When to Support Your Immune System

Now more than ever, people are paying attention to their immune system. With the global pandemic in mind, they’re looking for ways to stay healthy. In a perfect world, a healthy, nutrition-dense diet will keep your immune system prepared for whatever comes your way. Sometimes, your immune system needs a little boost to stay battle ready.

When it comes to immune health supplements, for some there’s still a bit of mystery. With different brands vying for attention and mentioning different times to reach for your supplement, how do you know what’s what? Let’s take a look at overall immune health and the perfect timing for taking supplements.

It goes without saying that when your immune system’s not in the best shape, you tend to notice. Different vitamins and minerals play a part in immune system health. Let’s highlight a few.

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C 
  • Vitamin D 
  • Zinc

**Note, there are other micronutrients connected to immune system function and health, we’re simply limiting our list to those found in our supplement to prevent any confusion! 

Why does this matter? Studies show not getting enough of these micronutrients (also known as having a “deficiency”), can impact immune function. In fact, further studies highlight vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc as especially important in immune support.

So, we know how important immune health is, as well as some things to look for in an immune support supplement, but what about timing? The marketing of these supplements seem to be all over the map with most seeming to push immune support in connection to travel or cold and/or flu season and some even spotlighting immune health’s role in fitness.

No two bodies are the same. Different people have different needs. We believe the best option is one that fits your personal health and wellness goals. For some, daily immune support is ideal, while others may only need occasional support. 

If your diet is poor, then adding a supplement with multiple essential vitamins and minerals could reduce risk of deficiency vs. not taking a supplement at all. And having a not-so-great diet is something that happens more often than you think, especially when today’s go-go-go culture makes getting nutrient-rich meals tough.

By that same token, those with already balanced diets (adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, etc.) might feel like an alternate schedule for supplements is a better option. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your healthy eating labor! We’d still recommend checking in with a healthcare provider. They may be able to help highlight a nutritional gap.

For our Immunity Boost, at minimum, we recommend taking this supplement once a day during seasons and any periods of time (such as travel or stays abroad) where your body could use immune system support.

Now, you might have an idea already on what might work for you as far as occasional vs. daily supplements but if you don’t (or even if you do), talking to your healthcare provider is never a bad idea. Discuss supplements and options for your individual health needs and goals with your provider.

We hope you’ve learned something and gotten a better idea of what roles supplementing can play when it comes to immune health!