10 Tips for Navigating the Grocery Store

Beginning a new diet starts at the grocery store. Making choices that are going to help you achieve your health and wellness goals is paramount to success in this journey. It can be difficult to go into a grocery store and not get sidetracked by freshly-baked loaves of bread or boxes of donuts on every end cap. Below are our top ten ways to cut down on supermarket spoils. 

  1. Make a grocery list (and stick to it). Knowing what you need to pick up before you enter the store makes the shopping experience less stressful. It also helps you avoid unnecessary impulse purchases.
  1. Don’t go shopping hungry. You’ve taken the time and made the perfect list but haven’t had time to eat yet today. Be sure to grab a healthy snack or meal before heading to the store. Odds are, if you’re starving, something that’s not on your list will make its way into your cart. 
  1. Buy more greens. Grab some extra green vegetables on your weekly shopping trip. They boost your immune system with an influx of iron and other nutrients.
  1. Choose fresh or frozen over canned. By going for fresh or frozen foods over canned, you avoid excess sodium and added sugars. Plus, the fresh stuff tastes better. 
  1. If you can’t grow it or raise it, don’t eat it. Many of the processed foods on grocery store shelves, from chips to fruit juice, are filled with additives or preservatives. Aside from being unhealthy, these ingredients can lead to obesity, diabetes, or even brain and liver damage. If whatever’s in that grocery basket couldn’t theoretically come from your own backyard, swap it for something closer to the original.
  1. Choose whole grains. When grains are processed, the parts that hold the most health benefits and nutrients, including vitamin E, major B vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and healthy fats are lost. Look for products marked whole grain or stick to items like brown rice and oats. 
  1. Avoid sweetened drinks. Added sugar not only packs on calories, but has also been linked to cardiovascular disease and weight gain. Replace all sweetened beverages with water or sparkling water.
  1. Eat naturally sweet food. Instead of indulging in processed foods packed with sugar, look for naturally sweet foods to cut down on sugar cravings later. Hit the fruit section or choose naturally sweet vegetables like corn and sweet potatoes.
  1. Buy in bulk and divide into portions. This strategy is mostly a way to cut down on cost, but buying anything from vegetables to meat to grains in bulk can also cut down on shopping time. That leaves more time to prep healthy meals.
  1. Stick to the edges of the grocery store. The perimeter of the store is usually home to fresh produce, meats, dairy, and breads. The inner aisles typically feature highly-processed items packed with extra sugar and artificial ingredients. There are always exceptions, of course, but try to stick to the outer edge of the store for a healthier diet. 

Going to the grocery store can be an overwhelming experience if you go in unprepared. However, with our tips, grocery shopping can be a quick and painless experience. These tips can help you long beyond your Pure 21 journey, so it’s a good idea to instill these habits now.